Selyemrét Bath


3527 Miskolc, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca

Once free enrty with Miskolc Pass

In Selyemrét Bath different tipe of swimming pools, pools for children, slides, and other experiences are waiting for the guests.

The Selyemrét Bath has been completely renewed by July 2013. Thanks to the extensions the open-air Baths now receives guests in a 3.5-hectare park area with 6 pools of a combined water surface of 2728 square metres offering a range of new wellness services for undisturbed relaxation. The Bath is supplied with water from two large-volume thermal wells of a temperature of 43-45 ºC, which are fed by karst water reserves dating back to 9000 years ago, as it was established by the radiocarbon dating method.

You can enjoy again the massaging water jets at the renewed Selyemrét bath complex and have fun on the 3 new slides or in the 25-metre learners’ pool, the warm sitting pool offering bubble baths and the children’s pool enriched with play-enhancing elements, in addition to the 50-metre swimming pool operating all throughout the year. The new baths boast with a wonderful park ideal for relaxation which, thanks to its accessibility design assures barrier-free movement for the disabled as well.
