Bartokplusz Operafestival - The Wooden Prince

2015 jún

Erzsébet square - 7 pm.
Rain-day: 16th June 7 pm. Summer Theatre
The Wooden Prince
The production of the Csodamalom Puppet Theatre, Miskolc addresses various age groups and remains faithful to the dace dramaturgy prescribed by Bartók while it follows the conventional rules of storytelling.
This dance play creates the illusion of the fairy tale making good use of the opportunities given by the movement theatre and animation theatre combined. Fairy tale characters are put on stage with their customary and required symbols: the crown and the mantle, the wanderer's sack, the veil or golden hair, but the background adapts to puppet theatre dimensions or is presented by means of pantomime.
There is only one male character, the Prince in the performance and we can follow his struggle for the fulfilment of Love with the elements, feminine pride, conceit and, finally, his own pain. The Wooden Prince, alter ego of the real Prince, in contrast with stage conventions, does not appear as a flesh and blood character in this performance. Instead, it is an oversized puppet, a veritable golem, stressing/underlying the fearful nature of the figure that personifies archetypal male power.