People's Garden

3525 Miskolc, Görgey utcaPeople's Garden is the third largest park in Miskolc, located in the city centre. The park was formed in 1870, this time the park was located in the periphery but nowadays it is the largest green area in the centre.
After the People's Garden was born, some villas and lovely dwelling-houses was built to be part of the rich quarter.
In the 1890's it was known as Erzsébet-liget (Elizabeth parkland), and in 1899 a bust of Queen Elizabeth (made by Alajos Stróbl) was initiated.
After the World War II. Miskolc started to increase quickly, and as the time passed the park become the part of the centre.
Establishments and statues in the park: Next to Sissy's statue we can see the busts of Mihály Tompa, Mór Jókai writer and a Genius statue.Miskolc Vigadó Restaurant designed by Alfréd Hajós is located in the park too. Under the trees a playground waits for the children. Miskolc Urban Fitness Center (Miskolc Városi Szabadidőközpont), one of the city's sport centres welcomes the visitors with a sports-court and in winter with an icerink.