St. Stephen stalactite cave (Szent István-cseppkőbarlang)

3517 Miskolc - Lillafüred, Erzsébet sétányOnce free enrty in the St. Stephan Cave or in the Anna-Cave with Miskolc Pass Card!
The protected St. Steven Cave (Szent István-barlang) is located in Lillafüred 3,5 km far from Miskolc. The cave entrance is about 500 metres far from the Palota Hotel, next to the Eger-Miskolc road. The total lenght of the cave and the alleys is 1043 m and it is about 94 m high. The presented route is about 170 m long.
It was mentioned the first time by Ottokár Kadić, who sloped down to the cave with a rope in 1913. In 1927 the first routes started to build and in 1931 it was opened to the visitors.
The largest dripstone is located in the Kupola hall and it is called Megfagyott Vízesés (The Frozen Waterfall). It is about 20 m high and 15 m wide. The cave is rich in dripstones even it is an often visited cave it still provide new dripstones. Its natural entrance is the Kutya-lyuk (Dog-hole), located on the slope of the hill, 20 m above the foot of the valley.
The cave is open all year around: 1. Apr. - 30. Sept.: 9.00-17.00 (the last tour starts at 17.00); 1. Oct - 31. March: 9.00-14.00 (the last tour starts at 14.00). Tours starts in every hour, with the minimum number of 5 visitors, and it takes about 30 minutes.
The caves in Lillafüred can be visited with tour guides. There are no recqiured clothes during the tour.
Acces: From the Tisza Railway Station take the bus #1, or the trolley #1 to Felső-Majláth and then get bus #5 to the bus stop in front of the St. Steven Cave (Szent István-barlang) or get bus #15 to the bus stop next to the Lake Hámor (Hámori-tó), from where you have to walk 600 m to reach the cave. If you come by car there is a car park 50 m far from the cave.